Do you struggle to study math? Do you want to improve your math grade? Then here is an article for you. In this article, I have covered all the tips you need to make studying math fun. After you read this article, then the math’s study hustle will be ancient history.
Your homework is not the end
Most students complete their assignments and assume that they have understood the topic. You should, however, attempt the extra problems provided in your textbook. Doing so will help you understand the concept of the topic better. You can also use online tools to find questions online. Attempt the questions and then mark them while correcting the parts that you went wrong.
Doing multiple questions helps maintain the concept of the topic. You can find online problems on the Math-Aids website or the Khan Academy website.
Study actively
Do not be in a hurry to finish the topic at hand. Instead, go through it slowly ensuring you understand every detail. Pay close attention to the learning goals present in the chapter.
Reading math textbooks can be tedious, but worth your while. It helps you understand concepts that you might have not understood in class when the teacher was teaching. You are also able to catch every detail and also memorize the steps used to solve a problem.
You can also try to read ahead of the teacher. Doing so will help you grasps the teachers’ explanation faster. Pre-reading also helps you engage more efficiently with your teacher.
Spare some time each day to study math’s
Cramming math problems for your test is never a good idea. Instead, spare some time each day to do some questions. The time spent on extra math problems should be separate from the time used to do your homework.
You can try using flashcards to make the study sessions even more interesting. One side can have the problem while the other side has the solution.
Clearly defined working
Make sure your work is visible and easy to follow. Doing so will help you follow your work easily in case of future reference. Good working also helps you earn more marks in your exam as your teacher can follow your work easily. You also get to catch simple mistakes that would have made you lose marks.
Be keen when it comes to word problems
Word problems can be intimidating and tedious to work on. They, however, carry a lot of marks which you should not lose. All you have to do is take your time, go through the question twice pointing out crucial details. You are then required to create a mental picture of the question, figure out the formulas to use, and then work out the question. It is that easy! To make the question more realistic, you can draw a literal imagine illustrating the given problem. You can use your own unknown if they are not provided.
Reread your work
Human is to error; this common saying applies a lot in mathematics. Math errors are a lot, and you can be sure to find one once you go through your work. Capturing the errors before you submit your work can help save you a lot of marks.
While doing practice quizzes, compare your answer with your friends’ answer. If they do not match, you can try discussing to see who was right. If you still disagree, you can ask for assistance from your teacher.
Studying mathematics is not an easy feat. It takes time to master all the formulas and steps used to solve multiple questions. But if you follow the guidelines offered in this article, studying maths will turn from boring to exciting as your grades move from boring to aces.